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Save money on gas and electricity bills with our 100% independent, online platform. No confusing discounts—just clear, dollar-based savings for your business. Our free comparison tool, combined with our call center support, helps Australian businesses find competitive energy deals every time.
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Explore MoreEnter your postcode or suburb to start. It's free to use and easy to navigate. Got a bill handy? Find out how much you could save with comparisons.
Read MoreIn addition to "discount" offers and "bonus" deals, our comparisons show you how much your business can save on energy plans, dollar for dollar.
Read MoreFound the perfect energy plan for your business? With EnergySwitch.com.au, signing up is easy. Get your electricity and gas connected hassle-free!
Read MoreSwitching energy providers is simple with EnergySwitch.com.au. Enjoy easy, fast, and free comparisons tailored to your needs. Save money on electricity and gas with our 100% independent platform.
Enter your postcode or suburb into our secure engine to compare energy plans and find competitive deals for your needs.
Within seconds, get business energy plans available in your area from our panel of retailers. See how much your business could save in dollar terms.
Read the terms and conditions, sign up, and start saving! A driver's license may be required to complete your energy plan registration.
Book a call with our experts to explore ways to reduce your energy bills and optimise your plans.
Find a great electricity or gas plan from our panel of retailers.
Energy bills are becoming one of the largest overheads for businesses. By comparing electricity plans through our partnered providers, you may discover competitive rates and stop overpaying for energy and find better rates tailored to your needs. Energy Switch helps you discover potential savings, allowing you to focus on running your business while we simplify the energy comparison process.
3. With our user-friendly comparison engine, you can explore competitive deals quickly and easily. Don’t miss out on savings—switch to more affordable energy plans and optimize your business's expenses today! Let us help you unlock better rates with no obligation.
Compare Electricity PlansYou can save on your gas bills by comparing your current plan with the top options available in your area. We compare plans from over 10 leading retailers, providing you with more opportunities to reduce costs and uncover savings. Our easy-to-use comparison engine helps you find the most cost-effective plan for your needs.
Getting started is completely free, and there’s no obligation to proceed. Don’t overpay for gas—take advantage of our unbiased comparison service and start saving today! Optimise your business expenses and secure a better deal.
Compare Gas PlansSwitching your electricity and gas has never been easier thanks to Energy Switch. Click here and begin your energy comparison - find better energy rates for your business in less than 10 minutes!